Contact Us

Cinema Studies Institute

University of Toronto
2 Sussex Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1J5

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (July & August, 9 am to 4:30 pm)
Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, closed

Undergraduate Office

For general inquiries and information about the program that contributes to a four year Bachelor's degree, please contact:

Denise Ing
Undergraduate Program Assistant and Assistant to the Director
Room 232AE

Prof. Bliss Cua Lim
Associate Director, Undergraduate

There are two ways to reach the Cinema Studies Undergraduate Office:

Graduate Office

M.A. and Ph.D. Applications

Please note that this program is dedicated to the critical study of cinema rather than training in filmmaking as a practice.

Application Inquiries:

Online Application System:

See also our Application Information page for guidelines and deadlines.

For information about the graduate program, please contact:

Tony Pi
Graduate Program Assistant
Room 232E 
416-978-5809 (Please call during office hours only.)

Prof. Corinn Columpar
Associate Director, Graduate


Prof. Alberto Zambenedetti
Please contact through the Assistant to the Director at

Business Services

For accounting matters, please contact Innis College Business Services at