Summer 2025 Undergraduate Courses

Please check this webpage for the most up-to-date information.

Course enrolment begins on March 3, 2025 at 9:00am.

Y courses run May 5 - August 25, 2025
F courses run May 5 - June 24, 2025
S courses run July 2 - August 25, 2025

Group A: Foundations

CIN105Y1Y - Introduction to Film Study

Introduction to film analysis; concepts of film style and narrative. Topics include: documentary, avant-garde, genres, authorship, ideology, and representation.

Day and time: TBA
Instructor: TBA
Exclusion: INI115Y1, ENGB70H3, ENGB75H3, ENGB76H3, FLMA70H3, FLMB75H3, CIN101H5
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Breadth Requirement: 1. Creative and Cultural Representations


Group B: Genre and Modes

CIN320H1S - Folk Horror

More information to come. 

Day and time: TBA
Instructor: TBA
Prerequisite: CIN105Y1
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Breadth Requirement: 1. Creative and Cultural Representations


Group C: Social and Cultural Practices

CIN240H1F - Disaster Films

More information to come.

Day and Time: TBA
Instructor: TBA
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Breadth Requirement: 3. Society and its Institutions

CIN340H1F - Cinema as Fashion

More information to come. 

Day and Time: TBA
Instructor: TBA
Prerequisite: CIN105Y1
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Breadth Requirement: 1. Creative and Cultural Representations

CIN341H1F - Cinema and Social Media

More information to come. 

Day and time: TBA
Instructor: TBA
Prerequisite: CIN105Y1
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Breadth Requirement: 1. Creative and Cultural Representations


Group D: Theory and Criticism

CIN260H1S - Chick Flick Politics

More information to come. 

Day and time: TBA
Instructor: TBA
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Breadth Requirement: 1. Creative and Cultural Representations