CSI Pedagogy Workshop - January 26

When and Where

Thursday, January 26, 2023 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Coach House
McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology
39A Queen's Park Cres E, Toronto, ON M5S 2C3


The third pedagogy workshop of this academic year will be held 3-5pm on Thursday, January 26, at the Centre for Culture and Technology Coach House.

This workshop will be dedicated to discussing how to support struggling students, in this, the third pandemic year. Students are missing deadlines, missing class, and generally appear to be exhausted and alienated. They also seem not to have mastered some of the skills we assume at various points in study.

The questions we’ll start to address are:

  • What are we seeing in our classrooms that’s new since March 2020?
  • What can we, as instructors, do to support this cohort of students, whose educations have been profoundly disrupted by Covid?
  • How can we provide different or increased support while protecting ourselves and our labour?
  • How might we start reimagining or transforming our classes and our curriculum to meet students where they are? Or: is such transformation or reimagination not called for?

Contact Information

Scott Richmond


39A Queen's Park Cres E, Toronto, ON M5S 2C3