Monday Lunch Seminar on Academic Book Publishing

When and Where

Monday, February 03, 2025 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Innis College
2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto,ON M5S 1J5


Mark Thompson (University of Toronto Press)
Len Husband (University of Toronto Press)


Please join us on Monday, 3 Feb, 1-3pm at IN223E for a lunch seminar on academic book publishing with acquisitions editors Mark Thomson and Len Husband from the University of Toronto Press. The seminar will cover topics such as turning your dissertation into a book, tips on getting in touch with an acquisitions editor, the book publishing process, and much more. Come with questions! An Italian lunch will be provided.

Speaker bios: Mark Thompson is the literature, film, and cultural studies editor at University of Toronto Press. Len Husband is the Canadian history, philosophy, and religious studies editor at University of Toronto Press.

Contact Information


2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto,ON M5S 1J5