TFMS - New Takes on Chinese Cinema

When and Where

Friday, November 03, 2023 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm


Katherine Morrow, Carleton University
Ruochen Bo, University of Toronto
Jing Jing Chang, Wilfrid Laurier University


Convened by Malini Guha (Carleton University) and Katherine Spring (Wilfrid Laurier University)

The Internet Movies of Erlong Lake's Zhang Hao (二龙湖浩哥): Online DistribuRon, RegulaRon, and the Development of a New Monopoly

Katherine Morrow (Assistant Professor, Film Studies, Carleton University)

Empty Spaces, Ruptured Time: Edward Yang’s Story of Taipei

Ruochen Bo (Ph.D. candidate, Cinema Studies InsTtute, University of Toronto)

Virginity, Violence, and Vice: The Displacement of Guilt and Responsibility in Hong Kong Cinema

Jing Jing Chang (Associate Professor, English and Film Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University)

In-Person: 5-103 DAWB, Wilfrid Laurier University

Zoom: Register


Toronto Film and Media Seminar





Steering Committee for 2023-2024

Co-chairs: Em Barton (York), Malini Guha (Carleton), and Michael Zryd (York). Faculty members: Michael Baker (Sheridan); Liz Clark (Brock); Desiree de Jesus (York); Selmin Kara (OCADU); Mark Lipton (Guelph); Gabriel Menotti (Queens); Jon Petrychyn (Brock); Katherine Spring (WLU); Elizbeth Wijaya (UofT). Graduate student members: Bojana Babic (Queens); Roxanne Hearn (WLU); Mary Hegedus (York); David Jackson (WLU); Patrick Marshall (UofT); Dhvani Ramanujam (York); Ganga Rudrariah (UofT); Kate Russell (UofT); Cleo Sallis-Parchet (York). TIFF: Keith Bennie.

The goals of the Seminar are:

• Encouraging intellectual and collegial discussion among the Cinema and Media Studies scholars in the region.

• Encouraging in-depth scholarly discussion and critical debate.

• Showcasing diverse research methodologies and research fields that address a wide range of cinematic technologies (film, television, video, new media, and other forms of moving image and sound screens).

• Aiming to model collegial and professional academic discourse for graduate students entering the field.