Witnessing/Becoming: 2024 Comparative Literature Conference

When and Where

Friday, March 22, 2024 9:00 am to Saturday, March 23, 2024 7:00 pm
Father Madden Hall
St. Michael's College
100 St. Joseph Street, Toronto


Dina Al-Kassim, University of British Columbia
Conrad James, University of Toronto


The focus of this conference, broadly speaking, concerns the temporality and aesthetics of bearing witness. Scholars from a wide variety of academic fields will have the opportunity to present their research and engage in fruitful transdisciplinary discussions.

The keynote lecture will be delivered by Dina AI-Kassim (University of British Columbia): “Parataxis or Ekphrasis?:The Politics of Form in Sonallah Ibrahim’s Beirut Beirut and Adania Shibli’s Minor Detail”

Faculty Keynote by Conrad James

For a detailed and most updated look at the conference timeline, we invite you to visit our official website. The website hosts the full program schedule and will provide attendees with all the information they need to navigate the event successfully.

Contact Information

Conference Organizing Committee


Centre for Comparative Literature, CInema Studies Institute, others


100 St. Joseph Street, Toronto